jeudi 18 avril 2013

Installing Primavera P6 R8.2 on SQL Server 2012

I've been asked many times how to install Primavera P6 on SQL database server. By Default, Oracle Primavera will install Oracle database.
This article shows in details how to install Primavera P6 on SQL server 2012.
The same concept should apply to any other versions.
Installation is divided into 3 Sections.
A. Installing SQL Server
B. Configuring the SQL Server to allow Primavera connection
C. Installing Primavera

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

محاولة متميزة .. أرجو أن تطلع علي مدونتي فإن راقت لك فتضيفها لدليلك الموقر … ودمتم بود !!